The Challenge
A local organisation providing solutions to mitigate climate risks in Africa reached out to us. They were looking to grow and partner with various funding partners but were concerned about their internal processes on use of, and accountability, for funds on projects under management.
Our initial step was to perform analysis to:
- Assess the adequacy of controls and processes;
- Assess whether funds were utilized for intended purposes;
- Assess whether program assets acquired were accounted for and safeguarded;
- Assess whether proper records were maintained; and
- Assess the program’s compliance with laws, regulations, and contracts.
Our analysis led to the following findings:
- Record keeping needed improvement;
- Need to strengthen tracking of partner contributions and budgets;
- Procedure manuals and policies for common operations and activities needed to be updated and approved;
- Usage of funds was not always tracked for effectiveness.
In the next step of our work, we designed a detailed implementation program that identified the root causes of each finding, and a step-by-step action plan to address each finding. Each action plan was assigned to an individual and a date set by which the action plan would be implemented.
This client was able to optimize their program implementation processes and systems. Through improved recording keeping, they are now fully accountable to their partners and stakeholders. The ability to track the effectiveness of funds used has helped them assess the achievement of planned outcomes in a transparent manner, which in turn has made them an attractive implementation partner.
About Us
We help Not-for-Profits and NGOs create impact and attract funding by optimizing their program implementation processes and systems and therefore achieve planned outcomes.
Rockville Associates is a professional services firm with significant experience in grant and program management in the Not-for-Profit and NGO sectors. Reach out to us at to learn more about what we do.